Founded by Judy Neufeld

Judy P. Neufeld is the fired up Founder and Chief Change Officer at Spark Sisterhood. As a women’s leadership development coach, expert facilitator, avid runner, and Boston Marathoner, Judy is passionate about building authentic spaces for women to thrive.

Judy’s running journey began just days after the tragic Boston Marathon bombings in 2013. She ran one mile in memory of the victims, to honor the survivors, and in grief for the city she now calls home. To date, she has completed dozens of half-marathons, three full marathons, numerous 5K and 10K races, and is training now for her next marathon. Judy is a proud finisher of the 2018 Boston (Monsoon!) Marathon- one of the most transformative days of her life.

Judy credits running with giving her the strength and confidence to do things she never thought possible, and is bringing that experience to women through Spark Sisterhood.

Judy has over 15 years’ experience in elevating and amplifying women’s voices and leadership, from leading transformative trainings and retreats for women, to coaching women one-on-one. As an organizational consultant, she has coached women running for elected office, increased diversity training programs, designed bootcamps, and led recruitment and partnerships programs at national organizations including Emerge America and the Big Sister Association. Judy leads with love and curiosity in all the work she does.

Judy moves fluidly between marathon training and leadership coaching. Through Spark Sisterhood, she brings these worlds together to craft experiences that inspire and support women.

Press Photos

Professional Headshot
Less Formal
Leadership Training
Group Activity
Ready to Run
Running is Transformative